Hacking a Facebook Account in a Matter of a Few Minutes | FB-Tracker™
The Ways to Discreetly Hack a Facebook account
The servers of popular social networks, instant messengers, operating systems, and even small IT companies store a huge amount of information about their users including message history, multimedia files, browsing history, geodata, bank card numbers etc. To get access to this information, you just need to know the login details of the target user. But it's not that easy to gain access to someone else's Facebook page. How to hack a Facebook user account in a matter of a few minutes without having special knowledge and skills?

The easiest and most reliable way is to use a special service that accesses the target Facebook account and collects all required information without attacker controlling this. FB-Tracker allows you to visit a landing page on a social network by using its URL. A user doesn't need to preliminary setup and configure additional software. This application discreetly operates in the background mode so that account owner can't detect application activity.
What skills do you need to have to hack Facebook?
There are many ways to gain access to the target Facebook account. You can spy on a user when s/he enters a password or install complex software on a victim's computer or smartphone. You can also create a phishing page that completely copies the FB interface. But most options are neither effective nor reliable, or require programming skills or complex manipulations with the victim's electronic devices.
There are many ways to gain access to the target Facebook account. You can spy on a user when s/he enters a password or install complex software on a victim's computer or smartphone. You can also create a phishing page that completely copies the FB interface. But most options are neither effective nor reliable, or require programming skills or complex manipulations with the victim's electronic devices. Hacking Someone's Facebook Account Discreetly - is the ability to copy the URL from the query string in the browser and paste it into the appropriate field on the web application page.

For the service to work correctly, you will also need the latest version of one of the popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, or Opera, and sufficient free space in the smartphone's memory or on the computer's hard drive to download the archive with the target data.
How to hack Facebook unnoticed?
When hacking someone else's social network account, the main thing is to do it discreetly. FB-Tracker does its job in a very discreet ways as
- the application runs in the background mode.
- FB-Tracker does not consume the resources of the user's computer or smartphone,
- intercepts system messages at two-factor identification, and
- uses a multi-level end-to-end encryption system for data transmission.
- It autonomously operates on a remote server, which is not connected to the web interface of the application.
To discreetly hack someone's Facebook account, a user should not perform any actions in the hacked account after receiving the login details. This includes sending messages, adding or deleting media files and changing the login details. That is, to maintain confidentiality when using FB-Tracker, you only need to download the provided archive with the target information and delete all the login details in this application from the browser or do not save them in the first place.
How to Hack Facebook in a Matter of Minutes
Operating speed of FB-Tracker depends on the current system workload. Using this application, you can hack any Facebook account in a matter of a few minutes. Gaining access to the target account usually takes about 5 to 15 minutes.
Step 1 Go to the landing page on the social network and copy its address (URL) to the clipboard.
Step 2 Insert this URL into the corresponding field on the FB-Tracker application page and launch a hacking session.
Step 3 You will see the application interface, where you can monitor the application performance in real time.
Step 4 Once the target account has been hacked, the application will provide a link for downloading the archive with the target data.
Step 5 Once FB-Tracker completed the work, you only need to download the archive with the target data and unpack it.
If the owner of compromised account has access to your electronic equipment, we recommend you delete the target data upon their checkup or set a password for the archive or target folder. Otherwise, account owner may accidentally or purposefully discover your actions, and this may cause a serious quarrel or lead to communication problems with the owner of hacked account.